July 31, 2013

Window Shopping...

"Window Shopping"
Cape May, New Jersey

"What exactly IS the function of a rubber duck?"
--Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

...and, please join me on Sundays for my new link up "Song-ography".
This week's song title is Bill Wither's "Lean on Me".


  1. Well they made me smile!!! So that could be counted as one function

  2. So bright and cheerful--they do make me smile! Such an unusual and eye-catching photo. :-)

  3. Rubber ducks have been arounsd many years to entertain the little ones. You found some great ones.

  4. Brings back memories!
    When I was a little kid, one of the games at the fair was rubber ducks floating in water.
    Choose one and turn it over to see if you won a prize.
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. Here in Maine they have races with them down the river to raise money for charity. You purchase a duck with a number on the bottom and toss it in at the dam. It goes down the river to a specified collection site and the there are prizes for the winner. All money goes to charity. Got duck?

  6. Really? (good question) - cute photo.

  7. Hmmmmmm??? Lmao. Good question!!

  8. Lean On Me is one of my all time favorites. Looks like the rubber ducks are wishing they could go outside....cute as can be.

  9. Noses to the window? There must be something mighty interesting on the other side of the glass! LOL Very cute pic!
