July 9, 2013

Can you see a song?...

"The Wanderer"
Bucks County, PA

"Raspberry Beret"
Cannes, France

Can a photograph sing to you?

"Knock Three Times"
Tony Orlando and Dawn
Rome, Italy

Heck yeah X 2.  It's my two year blogging anniversary here at "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out", so I thought I'd try something new, 'cause who wants to get stale and moldy?   Join me on Sundays with a fun mash-up of photography and song titles that I am calling SONG-OGRAPHY.

Each week a song title will be given as a prompt. Heck, I'll even throw in a video in case you aren't quite sure what the song actually is (it happens, heck I'm kinda 'stale and moldy' when it comes to Thing #3's fav songs).  Interpret the title however you'd like (I love artistic license). Create and edit your photograph however you'd like (again...artistic license is waaaay cool here).  And then link up here on Sunday mornings. As much as I love bending and stretching the rules, there are a few that I might suggest (pleeeeease don't MAKE me go "Philly" on ya!):

1.  Would be kinda cool if you would link back to my blog somewhere...ANYWHERE

2.  Would be kinda cool if you "followed" me.  Not to the bathroom or anything creepy...just here in blog-land.

3.  Please link up using your permalink URL.

4.  Photos MAY or MAY NOT be recently taken.  Heck, sometimes you might see a song title and think "I ALREADY have an amaaaaaaazing photograph for that song title!"  No reason you shouldn't use it.  Amazing is amazing regardless of when it's taken, right?

5.  Would be kinda cool if you'd visit some of the other participants and leave a kind word or two.  I'm from Philly, and you KNOW we have a rep for being the kindest and friendliest peeps in the world :)

6.  You may have one photo,  or drop a photo bomb of photos in your link up post.  Just please make sure your photo(s) are an interpretation of the song title for the week.

7.  Link-up will be available beginning Sunday mornings.

8.  Tell lots, and LOTS of your blogging friends so I don't feel like I'm sitting at the school lunch table all by myself on Sunday morning.  I don't want to be a "Lonesome Loser" and have to post a photo about it.

Got it?  Sunday, link up, song titles, photographs that are interpretations, a mash up I'm calling Song-ography, be there...YO.

And here you go, our FIRST Song-ography song title for Sunday, July 14th (drum roll puhleeze)....."Homeward Bound" by Simon and Garfunkel (I give it an '8' Dick Clark.  Nice slow beat that's good for slow dancing in the spotlight dance).  Seriously one of my all-time favs.

"Homeward Bound"
Simon and Garfunkel

Can't wait to see what you all come up with.  Interpret away my friends.  Happy Anniversary to MOI!!


  1. FUN!!!!!!! What a GENIUS idea!!!

  2. I will have to add your link up to my list Kathy! A great idea. Music is such a big part of our lives. Gorgeous photos -- especially the lavender. xo

  3. You are so fun! I love this idea, and I love music! Sounds like a perfect challenge!

  4. The Knock one made me smile...great photo with that song. Nice!!

  5. Happy blogiversary!! And you have a great idea! Music and photos are perfect together.

  6. SOUNDS like lots of fun to me! In denver this week, but back for the second link. Great idea.

  7. Love it! Guessed 'knock three times' before I saw the title! I'll be here Sunday!

  8. Dang! I can't wait to start playing!!!! Great idea and I hope lots and lots of people join in.

  9. well how fun will this be...congrats on your 2 year anniversary and I'm following you to the bathroom, I don't care what you say!!

  10. Ohhh I LIKE it! I love a good meme but this one is so full of promise


  11. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. I will have to check back with you on Sunday.

  12. Oh now this sounds like fun! That S&G song is one of my favorites too!
    Your Lavender shot is so dreamy and I like the interpretation for Knock 3 Times.

  13. I can't wait, this will be such fun!!

  14. aloha,

    first time visiting, love your images and words...funny I started a photo carnival just recently on Mondays, come an link up with us also :)

  15. What a great idea- sounds liks a lot of fun! Simon and garfunkel a lifetime ago! Your shots are great...especially thr first one!

  16. Sounds like fun, Kathy!
    Happy blogging anniversary. ;)

  17. Great idea for a meme!! You're so cool!

  18. Lovely idea and the photographs are really nice. Seen on Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday.


  19. Sounds like fun! Happy anniversary!!!

  20. Cute idea and yes photos sing to me often. Congrats on your bogoversary.

  21. That's a great, fun, creative idea! And I know the first song! Congratulations on 2 years of blogging.

  22. Great idea Kathy - love that song too. I heard Paul S wrote it about the time he was touring small clubs etc in the UK before he became famous.

  23. Thank you Kathy for the invitation for the link up. I was completely fixated on the first shot in your post - it's so gorgeous. Renee.

  24. What a fantastic idea - I'm in! Although this week I'll be on vacation so if I'm not here, that's why (and I definitely will be the opposite of Homeward Bound). :) Thanks for this very clever prompt, Kathy - I will look forward to it. Lovely photos, as always!

  25. What an adorable post...love your cute, fun-lovin' blog...
    Over from Southern Daydreamer
    Come over to see me when you have time. :)
    xo bj

  26. Such a very cool idea...you are so smart my friend!

  27. Excellent link up idea Kathy! LOVE your button everything. Happy blogging anniversary to you! Love the Raspberry Beret pic.

  28. Kathy, that first photo is wonderful! Lavender field in PA? Or is it some other kind of wildflower? Gorgeous. Nicely composed.

    1. Thanks Lynne. And yes, it IS Lavender in PA. There is a gorgeous lavendar farm in Bucks County.

  29. Happy anniversary! 2 years and still going strong with gorgeous photos. Love your song-ography idea.

  30. SOUNDS like a plan!! oh, I totally see music in pictures.

  31. Love Your Pictures, and the idea can be very fun :)

  32. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I'll definitely be participating!!

  33. Sounds like a very fun idea. Your photos are awesome!
