July 8, 2013

Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue...

The week that was...

"Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue"
July 1 - 8, 2013
Project 52 (27/52)

It's been a "family" kinda week.  ALL the Things were home, and they brought our future Things-in-law with them.  We celebrated Independence Day kinda low-key.  Just a day at home bbq-ing with the Fam (which included my sis and HER fam).  The day was spent eating and laughing. The evening was spent drinking and making fun of Barry Manilow's apparently extensive plastic surgery while we watched "A Capitol Fourth" on PBS. Barry, Barry, Barry...back away from the Botox, fillers, make-up, and scalpels. He sang "Can't Smile Without You",  which was kinda ironic 'cause he literally couldn't crack a real smile!  God Bless America where we are free to sit in our family rooms and make fun of celebrities.  

Last week also happened to be my two year anniversary of "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out".  What to do, what to do?  Well here's a hint:

Stay tuned for more info on this tomorrow.  Hmm...all my photos this week will revolve around song titles.  

Happy birthday America.  It sure was a great week!


  1. That is an adorable camera strap my friend!

  2. Your Barry Manilow comment made me laugh out loud...ha! :D Your Fourth with family sounded perfect. Have a great week - I'll look forward to your song-themed photos. :)

  3. Sounds like a perfect fourth! Eagerly awaiting link up details!

  4. Will HAVE TO CHECK OUT YOU TUBE on that concert. Poor Barry! Love the strap you have on your camera... cute! and will be looking forward to your weeks posts. Glad you had a great holiday. so much to appreciate with family around!

  5. I just snorted reading about our celebration! P.S. Love your button

  6. You make me laugh, all.the.time! Not only is that song in my head now, but so is the visual of Plastic Barry.

  7. Ya... Barry looks totally plasticized and has for years. A man his age needs wrinkles in order to look authentic.

  8. Sounds like a great 4th!! Love those glasses!

  9. Sounds like a perfect 4th! Too funny about ol' Barry!

  10. That sounds as if you had marvelous July 4th! Liked especially the part which involved drinking and gossiping...that can be soooo much fun!have a great week . And I do love your camera strap as well.

  11. Sounds like you had a Happy Fourth love the camera strap! See ya tomorrow

  12. love this photo... the shadow totally makes the shot for me:-)

  13. Congrats to making it to 2 years! May there be many more to come!

  14. Congrats on two yrs my friend-your 4th sounds super fun with all your things around!! And that Barry Manilow take you told is hilarious!

  15. Happy 2nd Anniversary. Fantastic picture.

    Herding Cats
