May 29, 2013

Flippin' the bird...

"Cycle of Life"
My front porch

A mama bird has taken up residence in my front door wreath.  So I have only been able to enjoy  my front step planters from afar.
But I told her to take a "mom's morning out" yesterday so I could take some photos.  Mama finch wasn't happy.  I think I kinda flipped her out. She didn't venture nearly far enough.  I could hear her yelling obscenities at me the whole time.  If she had fingers, I'm sure she would have flipped me one.  Dang bird.


  1. Beautiful shot Kathy. We had robins on our back porch but we didn't know they were there until they had already flown the nest. Missed a great experience for Jacob. One year they were in our pole barn and we eagerly awaited there first flight. A wonder of nature. Hope you have some sun today. We have rain and more rain.

  2. Love this shot - the yellow makes me happy!

  3. I enjoyed seeing this lovely shot you shared today. There has recently been a nest near me and they definitely do not want you near.

  4. Haha you are too funny! Gorgeous shot though, way to ignore the "haters" (-:

  5. Hee hee. Yeah I know those obscenities!!

  6. They take over the fence post and it gets down right nasty outside my back door. Gorgeous flowers, glad you took on the wrath of momma bird to share these.

  7. Lovely photo--a true picture of the cycle of life.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. LOL!!! Bird problems at this time of the year are crazy! Don't think you read my Blue Jay Mafia post. Elle Driver is long gone by now, but I think she spread the word around town. Don't mess with that crazy human mama that lives in house 104. lol

  10. That's funny. I really like this photo - and if I can offer my non technical layman's critique, apart from the colour, it's kind of got a soft movement to it.

  11. Until you start charging her rent, there's no excuse for obscenities! :-)

  12. Gorgeous photo of your flower! Hilarious post about the bird!

  13. Too funny! Those finches can be a bit sassy for sure.

  14. Love your flower shots! just filled with color and love the angle that you got this at. Sorry that your bird friend did not want you there, but at least she didn't dive bomb you. That can hurt, even with a finch. Really gorgeous photo Kathy
