May 27, 2013


The week that was...

"I Saw the Light"
May 20 - 27, 2013
Project 52 (21/52)

I saw the light.  Five months of self-imposed gloomy weather upon my psyche.  The result?  The lack of motivation to treat myself with much care. I fought the life circumstances, and the life circumstances won.  But I finally saw the light, and it lead me right into Insanity.  I'm pretty sure I've heard that accusation thrown my way from my Things a time or two before last week.  But I think they meant it in different context.  Of course, I'm sure if some saw what I was doing in my basement gym this past week THEY would accuse me of the same thing.  Actually, after this past week "I" have thought I might be insane a time or two (or 26) myself.  Insanity.  Just me, bucket loads of water, and a few curse words (or 26) aimed at the television and Shaun T, my fearless and muscle-bound leader.  The 60-day Insanity workout.  Week #1 is now in the books.  And even tho I have never been as freakin' sore in my life?  I have never felt better.  Yes John Cougar hurts so good.

It feels good to finally put my health back into the light.  It feels good to challenge myself both physically and mentally.  I had never really felt my age before.  But lately, I've REALLY been feeling it.  It's an interesting phenomenon.  While I'm in the throes of Insanity...I feel even OLDER because I wanna die.  But when I'm done?  I feel better than when I was a young and just took my health for granted. 

My age + I wanna die = Pretty freakin' good  (go figure)

My Insanity equation might be a bit insane BUT....that's just kinda how I see the light.  Okay, off to the dungeon I mean exercise room in my basement.  Ignore any curse words you might here, OR better yet?  Shed some light on some new ones I can hurl at Shaun T.


  1. I admire people who have discipline - I wish I was disciplined enough to be disciplined if that makes sense. Well done on beginning and completing the first week of the program. That's great that you feel good afterwards.

  2. Good for you!! I curse like a sailor when my trainer has me doing insane things! My favorite non-actual curse word is "oh monkey puppet" - we both get a good laugh out of that one!

  3. I know that Insanity work out...but I don't have a basement or a room big enough to fully get a good work out. It's pretty intense and I know I NEED to start taking better care of myself. Being thin doesn't always mean you're healthy. Good on ya

  4. Way to go! I'm not so great with the swear words, but I'll send some quiet encouragement your way :)
    Me, I'm stuck with sciatica issues right now :( So even though it's gorgeous out, I'm in with a heating pad on my back. Pretty sure you're burning enough calories for all of us! Keep it up!

  5. Absolutely STUNNING photo! You reminded me that if it says clear out I gotta go get my walk in.

  6. Good for you Kathy! You are an inspiration! I keep telling myself that I need to get back on tHe exercise wagon now that summer is here.

  7. You go girl. As you know I've been there and though I thought it would, that history will not repeat itself. I hate Shaun. Sorry. I would probably snarl at him if I saw him on the street. But anyway YOU GO GIRL! I remember when you said you might try it.

  8. Wow! You're one brave soul! Kudos to you for trying it out though. Keep us updated on progress! LOL! @Kenya!

  9. Good for you - I admire your tenacity. This body of mine won't bear hard core exercise anymore...I miss those days. Best of luck on your cursing journey! :)

  10. Wow, good for you! I have been trying to exercise more lately, but you are serious! Suddenly I feel like a lazy slob, lol. Thanks for the kick in the pants.
