June 5, 2012

"Let's go fly a kite...

...up to the highest height"

-Mary Poppins

One of my earliest recollections of childhood is laying on my living room floor, listening and singing along to a Mary Poppins album I had.  I had two favorite songs from that record.  "I Love to Laugh" and..."Let's Go Fly a Kite". Ironically, I love to laugh at the fact that I've NEVER actually been able to fly a kite.  Oh believe me...I've tried.  Lots, and lots, and lots of running back and forth across a field with my kite trailing on the ground behind me.  Lots, and lots, and lots of getting distracted by picking dandelions and blowing their seeds across that field WISHING I could be airborne into the blue sky.  At least the dang seedlings were.

If I can't fly a kite, at least I can photograph one.  So I headed to Wildwood, New Jersey to do just that at their annual Kite Festival over Memorial Weekend.  How DO they make it look so easy?

He obviously has neither the time nor the inclination to be blowin' no stinkin' dandelions...

Some were so laid back they could probably fly a kite AND blow a dandelion at the same time...

Some looked like ZZ Top, had the moves like Jagger, and I'm pretty sure have SMOKED a dandelion (or few)...

Creatures big and small bigger...

Some soared, some stayed closer to home.  But they all had their own dance...

And yes, there were a few tangled lines.  But no dandelions were hurt in the process...

Up through the atmosphere,
Up where the air is clear.
Oh let's go...photograph a kite.

Thank you Mary Poppins.  And for the record I've NEVER had a problem making a spoon full of sugar go down, OR...have smoked a dandelion.




  1. Oh these are wonderful Kathy - I love the way you compose your images.

  2. Wow, what gorgeous photos - the last one is fantastic! As always, I laughed throughout your post...I never have any problems getting a spoonful (or two) of sugar down, either. :)

  3. love love love! You captured te kite flying spirit of the beach perfectly, my friend! Although someone needs to tell those folks you don't wear shoes on the sand!

  4. Oh, those are fantastic. Looks like it was a wonderful day. I've never seen anything like it. My siblings and I grew up on those children's records--Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, etc. I still know most of the words: "supercalifagilisticexpealidosous." :)

  5. My, my ..... those are faublous and some are more like Macy's parade balloons than what we normally think of as kites. It must have been a sight. Did you have the little close n' play phonograph??? They are worth some moolah these days.
    I hope your day is special!

  6. What great kite shots...downright supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


  7. What a great post! The photos are amazing!

  8. Ah yes, Mary poppins, I had the cassette tape, I can still see it now, it was red and white. That was a huge kite in that fourth last photo and fantastic last photo.

  9. WOW, I can't believe how big some of these are! Love the last shot! What a full beach!

  10. Holy cow, those are some fabulous kites! Gorgeous photos you've made of 'em, too. (and, colour me naïve, but is that last photo for real?! It's amazing! It looks like something out of a fantasy scape, or a happy day dream <3)

    1. Yes, it is for real...no kites were added :). I did do some tweaking with actions tho. Added a coco glaze to tone it down just a bit as it was VERY bright out. But otherwise, what you see is what you get :)

  11. WOW! These shots look amazing. I don't think Ive ever seen so many kites in one place.. Hot Air balloons "yes". But never kites.. Very cool...


  12. Oh wow, I love this post, so colorful, so fun. I can't even pick a favorite among all these. What a fabulous time you must have had. PS Mary Poppins is one of my favs too!!

  13. I so love your sense of humour...You have captured some amazing moments.

  14. these are such fun shots! So bright and colorful and you really captured the fun mood of the event!

  15. Wow, that is a lot of kites

  16. Gorgeous shots! I love the bright colors, fascinating shapes. You've captured the fun and frolic of the day of kite flying!

  17. WOWOWOWOWOW!!!! Gorgeous captures! Sooo COLORFUL!! Wonderful!

  18. Oh my gosh Kathy, I love all of these....I would think I had a favorite until I scrolled some more - seriously awesome! I did love the stingray and that last one is incredible!!!!!!!!!!! WOW

  19. Great photos of that colorful kite festival! The last one is wonderful!

  20. these shots are all so fantastic
    I love the one with all the kites in the air!!

  21. That last shot is pretty awesome. Looks like a fun time!

  22. wow wow wow.....that last one is FANTASTIC....but all of these Kathy...really LOVE how you cropped them. good eye...

  23. Your pictures are often. I will have to put that on my calendar for next Memorial Day! We live in PA!
    (Now I will have the Mary Poppins song stuck in my head!)
    I forgot to link up this week, My MWB
