April 7, 2014

Spring cleaning...

Tis the season for straightening and sprucing.  For purging and deleting.  For finding new uses for the old.  For realizing sometimes the old just ain't gonna work anymore, so bring in the new.  Truth is, when my home is in order, I feel better about my life.  It's therapy.  The problem is, orderliness and cleanliness is not necessarily a practice in "group" therapy amongst my familial unit.  The only time it is noticed...is when it's not done.  Not done for quite.  a.  long.  time.  Believe me.  I've tested my hypothesis, and have the dust bunnies to formulate my conclusion. The result...I've been living in uncomfortable surroundings and have felt "out of sorts". Time to take back control, break out the "Scrubbing Bubbles", organize. Despite what anyone says, I do NOT have a need to continue to hold onto three bottles of Turmeric in my spice drawer.  Time to say goodbye. All the more room to add something new....Star of Anise, Saffron, Chinese Five Spice...that I probably already have.

"Spring Cleaning"

Spring Cleaning.  I apply it evenly.  My home.  My photography.  My blog.  I've been experimenting with different looks for my blog to find one that I feel has a better "fit".  I haven't succeeded yet.  I've been trying to simplify my editing of photographs.  I've never ventured too far into "creative" editing.  But I'm morphing into even more of a streamlined approach.  Just the facts, ma'am.  Keep it simple.  At the same time, I've decided to venture into something new.  Yes, another black hole for me to fall into.  Twitter.  I know I'm extremely late to the game.  So if you are on twitter, and wanna show a newbie some love...you can find me twitting, tweeting, twittering as @kathy_mcb.  And I'd love to stalk YOU too, so let me know if we are sharing a black hole!

Spring cleaning.  Fresh starts.  Clean slates.  Therapy.  Tis the season.

Here's where I "link up" today.

Please join me on Sundays for Song-ography.
This week's song title is Nickelback's "Photograph".


  1. Happy Cleaning and rearranging. I started today too. My blog is on the list someplace also. Love the frames.

  2. Love those frames! Shabby chic and gorgeous! I agree with you on the spice cabinet though. I have several nutmegs. Every Thanksgiving I forget that I don't need a new one.

  3. What a great shot - love all the lines. Gorgeous.
    Heading to find you on twitter (-:
    and thanks for linking up!

  4. Enjoy all the free exercise that cleaning gives. No gym membership needed. Then when your better half comes home he can sweep you off your feet........

  5. I hope the frames will not fall victim to your thorough cleaning! Otherwise I am with you all along......trying to sort my house and getting rid of so much stuff nobody wants or needs anymore.
    Lovely picture by the way.

    1. The frames are ALL "keepers". Not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I will do SOMETHING :)

  6. That oval frame looks good. Hope you have good plans with it.
    Happy cleaning!

  7. Awesome frames! I'm on twitter but don't really tweet!

  8. enjoy your cleaning day, add some music; luv your picture frame composition; have a nice Tuesday

    much love...

  9. We cleaned the garage on Sunday...Didn't find anything as lovely as those frames - but found some good yard sale 'junk' and the energy that comes from being more organized!

  10. i love everything in my life to be clean, fresh and organized!! life always feels better that way!!

  11. I LOVE the feeling of being Organized. Pretty easy for me now that my living quarters are small. We have to be organized.. So sorry, I haven't joined the twitter party yet. Maybe someday.

