May 31, 2012

It's never my intention, but...

...I always seem to have a plan, and then wind up getting distracted.  EASILY distracted.  The intent was to check out some shore towns and real estate.  Yet here I was, keeping company with a wood fence, rusty wire and a lone flower on the side of the road in Avalon.  And who says I'm high maintenance?!?

Today?  Yep, my intent is to get on my bike and reacquaint myself with how the gears actually work.  It wasn't my plan, but I got stuck in neutral as I realized I couldn't remember the word "roller coaster".  Seriously?  All that came to my mind was "Ferris wheel".  TOTAL brain cramp that consumed me for awhile.    And WHY was a roller coaster even on my mind in the first place?  I'm sure there is a message for me there somewhere. 

My days often resemble a circuitous path that lead me in multiple directions.  That's NEVER the intent.  But I'll just call it an adventure.  Time to shift gears AGAIN.



  1. I LOVE this picture. It is so pretty, it needs to be in a frame!

  2. beautiful image. i'd say it was a good distraction!

  3. Adventure is good Kathy! and love your flower against this fence post!

  4. HA!!! Your days sound like mine!!! Gotta love distractions :D
    Love your shot. well worth the stop.

  5. What a gorgeous image and I hear you on all other counts. ;)

  6. Wonderful image... my days are like yours often... I think we can reach our destiny even if we stop when we need it because these stops are indeed part of our path

  7. Reminds me of the saying "life is what happens when you are not looking." Don't know who said it but I like it.
    Have a great afternoon.

  8. Heheh - I think our brains work in similar ways :) Distraction is a BIG problem for me too, at times. Love your image and take on today's word - I'm glad your attention was hooked on the fence, wire and flower rather than searching for property, but hope you were still able to accomplish your other tasks that day, too :)

  9. I totally get the distraction thing...Are we ADD or just Curious about everything around us?

  10. Oh I hear you! My most often said sentence lately, "wait, what was I going to say/do?"

  11. Distractions, had waaay tooo maaany of those today! Great capture Kathy!

    1. Seriously! My LIFE is distraction lately. But I"m STILL concerned about not being able to remember ROLLER COASTER!!!!!!!

  12. Beautiful image. And just think how much money you may have saved by not looking at that real estate!

  13. Hey, when you get to be my age, it gets worse! LOL LOVE your photo! Maybe you were just to spend some downtime with this flower and the post and barbed wire.
    Great shot, love it!

  14. Ha! From someone who HAS ADD, that sounds way too familiar...but, even more so lately. Wonder if it's my mind using some kinda escapism defence mechanism, as a direct result of my kids getting older...('cause it can't be that I'M getting older...right!? ;D)

  15. I used to pride myself on how great my brain worked - then I got pregnant! Seriously - it freaked me out for quite awhile - now I just go with it!

  16. BUT and two favorite words. i love life on a detour!!

  17. I am definitely one to get distracted. I really am amazed that I get anything done. One of my favorite quote is.

    "I was going to do something to save the world.. But then something sparkly caught my eye.."

    Once again I just love your photo here..

  18. distracted, re directed, it's all good. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

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