March 12, 2014

Go west young (wo)man...

Philadelphia, PA

"The inability to make a decision has often been 
passed off as patience."


Since patience is not one of my virtues, I guess I can claim "decisiveness" as one.  It's actually a no brainer which direction to turn.   I'm turning left and heading west.  To Arizona for a few days.  Meeting up with my bestie who calls Chicago her kinda town.  Sunshine, warm temps, girlfriend time, my camera, what's not to love?  Hmmmmm...possibly the weather forecast here in Philly.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I WILL be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning.  I DO know when I'll be back again.  Sunday.  For Song-ography.  Be there or be square!

Here's where I'm linking up today ..."The Party's On"

Please join me on Sundays for Song-ography.
This week's song title is Kermit's "It's Not Easy Being Green".


  1. Oh my! Enjoy! I can feel the warm, dry sun...oh wait, no I can't!! Thanks for linking up - love the bricks in black/white...and all the weeds growing in the cracks. Always amazes me that plants that want to grow will find a way!

  2. Enjoy and bring some warmth back for us! :) Can't wait to see the beautiful photos you take!

  3. Enjoy and bring some good weather home with you and send it this way!

  4. Neat shot for BWW and do hope you have warm weather and get off safe tomorrow ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  5. Have a lovely trip.... I could very much do with some sunshine


  6. Kathy, I love the quote by anonymous that you's my new mantra since I have been putting off starting any kind of a painting for months now, I will just say I am very patient with my muse. Thanks for that! Enjoy your trip, have lots of fun and stay safe. We are in the process of getting over a foot of more snow dumped on us. Oh, how I envy you right now!

  7. I just left Arizona and the weather was perfect.. Enjoy my friend.


  8. Love the quote. Not quite sure how it matches up with the photo but who cares. I love that, too. The black and white really stresses the texture of the bricks.

  9. We lived in Arizona for graduate school and can I just tell you, I loved it! Am I nuts to admit, I'd take the blazing heat any day of the year over cold and snow? Or perhaps it's the sun shining I would take over drab gray cloudiness. Anyways, have a great girls weekend.

  10. Great brick textures and the tufts of grass in between the bricks add extra shape and texture.

  11. I hope you have a great time with your friend - like those really great fulfilling times. I've sent you an email (hopefully I have sent it to the correct address). Renee

  12. Hope you two are having a blast! Such a treat to get away with a friend!

  13. Hooray, hooray! I'm off to Mexico myself for a few days. I think I'm be humming Santana soon. Here's to sun and warmth. :)

  14. Awesome! Have a good time! With warm weather and a good friend, it is guaranteed to be a blast :)

  15. now that sounds perfect!! have fun!!

  16. Get lots of warm, sunny photos to share with us!

  17. Hmmm....the quote gives me pause. I might be a bit guilty here.
    Love the bricks.

  18. Have a wonderful, relaxing vacation. xx
